December 2023 meeting notes
Bret E Williamson | Published on 12/14/2023
Our December holiday party had 34 members and guests turn out. Despite the winter snowstorm outside, that was a great turnout and everyone had a great time.
We gave out a lot of swag and everyone left with something. We recognized our top points earners and those in attendance got their pick from the prizes. Here's a list of those we recognized:
We had plenty of food and many beverages were consumed.
Party photos can be seen here: 2023 CMTRA Holiday Party
Mark Miquelon recognized Bret Williamson for all his work this past year organizing rides and managing the club's webpage and social media.
Mark also discussed the two CPW grant requests he submitted, one for planning purposes to add single track trails to Penrose Commons and the other one to get maintenance done on what we refer to as the Mt Rosa trail (672) up in the Frosty's Park area of our local Captain Jacks trail system. If approved, those monies will be available in 2025. Nice work, Mark!
Mark also mentioned our recent installation of the trail courtesy signs we installed with help from the Forest Service at the Rule Ridge, Phantom Creek, Trout Creek, and Rainbow Falls trailheads. Many thanks to the Yamaha Grant Program for providing the funding for those signs and their installation. Big thanks to those members who helped with the install: George Zucca, Jeremy Andrew, Bret Williamson, Mark Reimler, Kent Sundgren, and Dave Bruson. You can view photos of the installation here: 2023 Yamaha Grant Trail Sign Install
See you next month: 10 January 2024
Be sure to check out our Forum section on our club webpage. Log in to our website and you will see a menu option, FORUMS. Good place to find out where and when club members are riding. Feel free to add your own posts. There are several categories. These posts are for members only, as non-members will not have that menu option if viewing our webpage.
Our points system will continue for 2024. Here are the current categories:
The full 2023 points earner's list will be sent out with an email to our members.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your leadership team. We are always available to answer any questions.
Get Out and Ride!!!