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Colorado Motorcycle Trail Riders Association
Advocating for Your Right to Ride on our Public Lands

News / Articles

Capt Jacks and APEX race

Bret E Williamson | Published on 9/21/2022

The annual Pikes Peak APEX event will be using a portion of the Captain Jacks trail 667 on Sunday, 25 September 2022.  They'll be on the trail from the 667/776 (Buckhorn trail) intersection down to the Captain Jacks trailhead on Gold Camp road.  

There will be as many as 170 bicycle racers on that section of trail from approximately 0830-1200.  After the bicycle racers come through, there will be another 80 runners finishing their portion of the race on that same section.  They will be much more spread out, but may not finish until as late as 4pm.  

Although the trail cannot be "closed" to any users, we recommend riding your dirt bike somewhere else that day to avoid the congestion and user conflicts.  If you want to ride the upper portions of Capt Jacks/701/Pipeline, etc., the racers will not be on those parts of the trail system.  However, we don't recommend staging out of the Capt Jacks trailhead on Gold Camp road, as there will be considerable congestion in that area, as that is the racer's finish line point.

Members of CMTRA will be at the 667/776 intersection as course marshals during the bicycle portion of the race.  Once the last bicycle racer comes through, we'll be leaving our marshaling point. 

Thanks for understanding.