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Colorado Motorcycle Trail Riders Association
Advocating for Your Right to Ride on our Public Lands

News / Articles

AMA Membership Affiliate

Bret E Williamson | Published on 7/1/2021

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Charter Affiliate Link

Dear Colorado Motorcycle Trail Riders Association, 

As an AMA-Chartered organization, you have the opportunity to be involved in the AMA Affiliate Program, which is a revenue-sharing program that pays your organization for the AMA memberships it sells — be it a new or renewing member, online or on paper. Check out the Charter Welcome Book, which explains the details on page 6. As you know, we will provide an incentive of $5 for new memberships and $2.50 for renewals processed through the online link. For members who sign up using physical applications, the AMA will send you $2.50 for each new AMA member and $1.25 for each renewing member. This applies to full memberships only (youth and one-event passes are excluded). Affiliate checks are mailed bi-annually.  

While the paper process is still the same (tracked by the membership sales report sent in with the sold applications), we have made modifications to the online link to make the process easier. 

The individual should fill out the application on this page and click "Submit." Membership options include 1-Year Membership, 3-Year Membership, Youth Membership, and One Event Pass, and you can use this link at events in place of physical applications if you choose.

Some benefits to using the new affiliate link: 
  • Memberships are immediately active. The member receives a confirmation email with the AMA number, and the membership will reflect as active on the membership look-up link.
  • Easy to complete. Does not require a login process. 
  • Physical applications will not be lost in the mail; completely electronic process and no sales report to submit. 
  • Your organization gets credit for memberships sold. The link is set up with a code unique to each Charter organization. 

Thank you for your partnership with the AMA, and please let us know if you have any questions! 

AMA Racing/Organizer Services

Join or renew here:   AMA Join or Renew