We've had a great year and we continue to need your support!
As you may be aware, your membership is very important to our Club. The more members we have, the more influential our voice is with land managers, regulators and those that influence and control the public lands you enjoy so much. Also, the more members we have, the larger the pool of resources we have to volunteer and support trail maintenance and related events. Through our efforts this year, CMTRA was awarded the #2 volunteer organization by the United States Forest Service, Pikes Peak Ranger District. We worked diligently to promote and maintain multi-use singletrack in our region, like Nelsons Trail (#672) on Mt. Rosa.
Working with the Bureau of Land Management, Royal Gorge Field Office this summer, CMTRA played a key role in opening 3 miles of advanced singletrack at Penrose Commons (Canon City area). And we have a grant to further develop an additional 7+ miles of singletrack in that trail system. In October, we worked with the BLM on a trail corridor maintenance workday at Texas Creek (Canon City area).
CMTRA is a good partner with other trail users and organizations too. In June, we provided a checkpoint at the Rampart Range Motorcycle Management Committee (RRMMC) semi-annual poker run. We provided course marshals and an aid station for the annual APEX mountain bike race on Captain Jacks. CMTRA volunteers provided an aid station to ultra marathon runners participating in the annual Aravaipa race. In August, we assisted the Rocky Mountain Field Institute (RMFI) transporting food and supplies to their Jones Park base camp where they spent two weeks working on nearby trails. And in October our Club member, Tim Hilton, sponsored the over 50 veterans' class at the EnduroCross at World Arena. CMTRA had a food and support station in the pit area - what a blast!
To wrap up the year, CMTRA supported Medicine Wheel in their effort to get El Paso County's master plan for Jones Park adjusted to better enable the possibility of additional trail being constructed at a future date.
2024 was indeed a great year! Members did a lot of riding too, sharing their trail knowledge and skills with newer members. We could not do so much without dedicated Club members. Thank you to all our members!
Get out and Ride!!!