Our September meeting had 20 members attend.
The meeting slides have been uploaded to our documents library. Log in to check them out. Several of our members were attending the Colorado 600, so were not present. Tad Hershey conducted our meeting since Mark Miquelon was one of those at the Colorado 600. Thanks Tad!

Some topics of discussion were:
-Our workday in August on Mt Rosa, Nelson's trail 672, was a success. We will be going back on Saturday, September 28 to do more work on the trail. Sign up on our calendar event: Trail Maintenance on Nelsons Trail (672) on Mt Rosa - 9/28/2024 This is also National Public Lands Day, so this workday will be our contribution to that event as well.
See more information here: https://www.nps.gov/subjects/npscelebrates/public-lands-day.htm
- We will be helping the Rocky Mountain Field Institute (RMFI) on Wednesday, September 18. They have folks going up to Jones Park for a couple of weeks and needs supplies hauled up to Jones Park (Captain Jacks 667 trail). Although they have far more than we can help carry, some of their smaller items should be portable by backpack, saddle bags, and racks on our bikes. A few of us are going to meet with them and see if we can help. If interested in helping, sign up on our calendar event: Help RMFI take supplies to Jones Park - 9/18/2024
- We have a workday at Penrose Commons on Saturday, September 21 to install signs for new single track to soon be opened. Sign up on our calendar event: Penrose Commons BLM Single Track - 9/21/2024
-We will be attending the Colorado Springs Endurocross event on Saturday, October 12. Tim Hilton will be sponsoring an Over 50 class and he will be racing in that class. We decided to sponsor two members to race with him and we "nominated" Ryan Friend and Jeremy Andrew as our racers! Both were very enthusiastic about participating! 😜 We'll be setting up our EZ-Up in their pit area and manning a table with our banner, flyer and stickers to promote CMTRA. We'll also be setting up a table inside the event for the night show to promote CMTRA as well. See our calendar event for more information: Colorado Springs Endurocross - 10/12/2024
- Visit COS Marketing opportunity: We discussed this at length and decided to table it for now. We just aren't sure we want to promote our local riding opportunities to outsiders through this medium. Although this might bring in a few new members, and could influence local land managers to increase motorized riding opportunities, it might also simply increase wear and tear on our existing trails making it even more difficult than it currently is to keep them maintained. We felt there are enough websites offering information on local trail riding opportunities in Colorado without adding another.
- Dave Kemper spoke about local trails and that we should continuously poke our local land managers for more trail. He referenced RRMMC and what they've been able to accomplish in the Rampart Range area (they are currently working to add more single track!). He suggested we push for adding more trails in the Rainbow Falls, Divide and Captain Jacks areas. He suggested our local land managers may be becoming more cooperative towards motorized recreation, and even if we get turned down once, or twice, keep pushing. Third time may be the charm. Thanks for the insight, Dave!
- Tad gave us his feedback from his attendance at the COHVCO Annual OHV Conference. See the slides for more info. Thanks for attending that event, Tad!
- Our member spotlight was Lonny Crawford. Lonny is a lifelong rider, both dirt and street. He is also a new member to CMTRA. Welcome aboard, Lonny!
If you've been doing any trail maintenance on your own or with your riding groups, let your Executive Team members know so they can log your hours and points.
See you next month: 9 Oct 2024
Be sure to check out our Forum section on our club webpage. Log in to CMTRAIL.org and you will see a menu option, FORUMS. We've added a link on our home page to go straight into the Riding forum. If you subscribe to that forum page in your club profile, you can post and receive emails to/from the forum to get notifications about members riding. These posts are for members only, as non-members will not have that menu option if viewing our webpage.
Our points system will continue for 2024. Here are the current categories:

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your leadership team. We are always available to answer any questions.
Get Out and Ride!!!