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Colorado Motorcycle Trail Riders Association
Advocating for Your Right to Ride on our Public Lands

News / Articles

July 2024 meeting notes

Bret E Williamson | Published on 7/16/2024

CMTRA New Logo 2023

Our July meeting had 15 members and 8 guests.  Great turnout!

Several of our guests were from the Forest Service.  Each of the FS team introduced themselves.  Only a couple of them ride and one wants to start.  They seem like a fun group.  Key take away is that Jake Ellsworth wants us to work with them on Mt. Rosa.  We discussed doing two work days - one weekend and one weekday.  Jake will have his team and tools there.  We need to get a few volunteers at each day.  He thinks that if we can do this and add it to the Nelson's grant request this year it will show camaraderie and help it get approved.  We agree.  We just need to throw a couple dates at him and get some boots on the ground.

The meeting slides have been uploaded to our documents library.  Log in to check them out.  Some topics of discussion were:

-Tad Hershey was elected as our Membership Director to replace Marc Yardley.  Way to go Tad!  

- We had 9 members turn out to support the Aravaipa Ring the Springs 100mile/kilometer aid station on Saturday, 22 June 2024. They had a great time providing aid and support to the 62 racers who came through their aid station.  Next year, we want to do even more, and maybe even have a cookout at the station after the racers finish coming through.  Lots of fun doing this event!  Thanks to Mary Jo and Dave Gardner, Lori and Mark Reimler, Dave Bruson, Ryan Friend, Lisa and Kyle Copeland, and Bret Williamson.

- We've been contacted about supporting the COS Endurocross event to be held at the World Arena on 12 Oct 2024.  We can put up a kiosk inside the arena to promote CMTRA.  We'll provide more info soon, and be looking for volunteers to support this event.  We might even sponsor a racer or two, so let us know if you are interested in competing in the event.  More info soon.

- We received $470 from TPA for our support of their raffle.  CMTRA members bought $2350 using our promotion code.  THANKS! 

- Penrose Commons:  The BLM has indicated they will begin the process to open two of the singletrack trails on the west side.  Time and dates TBD, but we are making progress down there.

- El Paso County Parks and the Jones Park decision:  Very contentious.  The current decision appendix has stated that no new mechanized trails (motorized or bicycle) will be added to the Jones Park area.  Cory Sutela of Medicine Wheel is challenging their decision, so this issue is not completely done just yet.  We'll keep you updated as we know more.

If you've been doing any trail maintenance on your own or with your riding groups, let your Executive Team members know so they can log your hours and points.

See you next month:   14 Aug 2024  

Be sure to check out our Forum section on our club webpage.  Log in to and you will see a menu option, 
FORUMS.  We've added a link on our home page to go straight into the Riding forum.  If you subscribe to that forum page in your club profile, you can post and receive emails to/from the forum to get notifications about members riding.  These posts are for members only, as non-members will not have that menu option if viewing our webpage.

Our points system will continue for 2024.  Here are the current categories:
Points Categories 2024

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your leadership team.  We are always available to answer any questions.

                                    Get Out and Ride!!!