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Colorado Motorcycle Trail Riders Association
Advocating for Your Right to Ride on our Public Lands

News / Articles

June 2024 meeting notes

Bret E Williamson | Published on 6/13/2024

CMTRA New Logo 2023

Our June meeting had 20 members and 6 guests.  Great turnout!

Four of our guests were individuals running for El Paso County Commissioner in District 3, the western side of the county.  A fifth individual was invited, but chose not to attend. 

That section of the county includes our Captain Jacks trail system, so those candidates were asked to come meet with us and we queried them on their knowledge of that trail system and whether any of them were active dirt bikers.  None were, but they all had good things to say.  We allowed them part of our social hour time, from 6:30pm until 7:00pm.  They all hung around for our regular meeting and then stuck around after the meeting and mingled with our members, getting to know who we are and what we represent. 

Those present were:

-Bill Wysong
-Don Wilson
-Brandy Williams
-David Leinweber

The current district 3 commissioner, Stan VanderWerf was also in attendance.  Thanks to all for coming out and engaging with some crusty dirt bikers!

The meeting slides have been uploaded to our documents library.  Log in to check them out.  Some topics of discussion were:

-Marc Yardley has resigned as our Membership DirectorBret Williamson will assume his duties until someone steps forward to take his place.  Contact any of our Executive Team members if you are interested.

-2025 Grant requests:  Our Penrose grant was approved; our maintenance grant for Nelson's Trail (672) was not.  We'll try again next year.  See the meeting slides for more details.

-RRMMC Poker Run:  A successful support event.  Thanks to Bob Garner, Candy Seaton, Maria Christopher, and Mark Miquelon for supporting this event.

-APEX Bicycle Race:  Another successful support event.  Thanks to Ryan Friend, Jeremy Andrew, Brian Coldrick, Tad Hershey, Michael Gilstrap, Willard Tillman and Bret Williamson for supporting this event.

Our next support event is the Aravaipa Ring the Springs 100mile/kilometer aid station.  That will be on Saturday, 22 June 2024.  See our calendar event to sign up.  The more, the merrier!

Our member spotlight was on three members who assisted in a rescue situation up on trail 717 in Divide.  Two riders (not in their group) collided head on and sustained serious injuries and broken bikes.  Our guys helped get their bikes down to a road and stayed with the injured riders until help arrived and they were taken down to the road for extraction.  Way to go Ryan Friend, Jerry Hanson, and Bret Williamson!  You can watch a video of their efforts here:  Riders Down


If you've been doing any trail maintenance on your own or with your riding groups, let your Executive Team members know so they can log your hours and points.

See you next month:   10 Jul 2024  

Be sure to check out our Forum section on our club webpage.  Log in to and you will see a menu option, 
FORUMS.  We've added a link on our home page to go straight into the Riding forum.  If you subscribe to that forum page in your club profile, you can post and receive emails to/from the forum to get notifications about members riding.  These posts are for members only, as non-members will not have that menu option if viewing our webpage.

Our points system will continue for 2024.  Here are the current categories:
Points Categories 2024

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your leadership team.  We are always available to answer any questions.

                                    Get Out and Ride!!!